Monday, June 8, 2009

32 weeks down, 8 weeks to go!

32 Weeks today! My mom arrived this afternoon so it was fun to see her reaction when she saw the belly in person. She already felt Wyatt kick which was fun. This week will be a lot of fun with her here and we have a lot to do to get ready for the baby shower. It's crazy to think that Wyatt's due date is in 8 weeks but at the same time I am really ready to not be pregnant anymore. It's not that I don't like being pregnant, it's that I don't like how awkward I am starting to feel. I have to be careful when I turn a corner or try to squeeze past something, my belly gets in the way. Otherwise, pregnancy has gone relatively well.

1 comment:

micki said...

how exciting! Wish I was there for your baby shower. You really don't like like your poking out more than you are dropping (got sign that he's not going to last long I hope).

I hope you mom takes lots of pics and you post them of the baby shower to share. :)

HUGS AND KISSES ~ me and Torrey and the hubby and Corbin too! :)