And now we are four! Brian and I are the proud parents of two very adorable little boys, Wyatt and Ian.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
30 weeks!
So this is what a preggo Jen looks like at 30 weeks. I don't feel too bad, but I still have 10 weeks to go (if I'm lucky, only 7 weeks). We have been working on Wyatt's nursery and bit by bit it really does look like a baby's room and thankfully no longer a storage room. Hopefully soon I'll take some pictures of his room, probably after the baby shower. I am attempting to exercise as much as Wyatt will allow, but lately he's been practicing his escape route and the Braxton Hicks don't feel great. I love how the experts say "they aren't painful" yea right, they lie. It's not that they hurt, it's that he puts soooo much pressure on me that I just don't want to move! Oh well, we are in the homeward stretch, I can make it!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wyatt 29 weeks
We went in for a follow up ultrasound, the docs were worried about my placenta being too low but thankfully all is well. Wyatt was un-cooperative as usual for the ultrasound and we couldn't get great pics like we'd hoped. We also couldn't get an accurate weight either....LOL, my stubborn little boy....he takes after his father I'm sure. My belly is getting bigger and he's very active, we are just so excited and happy to meet him!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Third trimester here we come!!!
Today I am at 28 weeks, officially in the third trimester! There are only 12 weeks left until Wyatt's due date and I am so excited!! The baby shower invitations finally arrived and I've been working on labeling them and getting them ready to hand out. My mom arrives on June 7th and the shower is on the 14th. Brian and I put together Wyatt's basinette and put it in our room, next is the pack and play. Still there is a lot to do and we're slowly getting through it all. We have classes coming up to prepare Brian and I for delivery and life with a newborn. Wow, that's really all I can say about that!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Glucose screening test day
Today after work I went to the lab to have my glucose screening test. I had to drink this super sugary orange drink and sit there for an hour. After the hour was up I gave a blood sample and then next week my doc will let me know if I am needing a second test for gestational diabetes. So I sat there in the office experiencing the sugar high from the 50g of glucose and then the subsequent crash and oh was it painful! I sat there and then I got this raging headache from the crash. Not a fun time at all!!! I came home from this test feeling super drained and praying that I don't have to go through this one again for a very very long time.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Baby Wyatt 27 weeks
Today we went in for another ultrasound and it is always so cool to see Wyatt. He is about 2lbs now and he is just so dang cute. They made a dvd of him moving around, sadly it can't be copied or uploaded...such a bummer. He loves to put his hands in front of his face and we had to keep poking at him to get him to move his hands. Only 13 weeks to go and I am getting pretty nervous about bringing him home. We are still working on the nursery and finishing up the registry. My baby shower is set for June 14th, and thankfully it looks like my mom will be able to make it. I'm getting big, but Brian says it's all baby. That makes me feel better. I keep working out and eating right, it seems to be paying off. I am looking forward to finally meeting my little kung fu fighter, he kicks a lot these days.

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Oh the joys of pregnancy.....
So I am back from my trip to the east coast, had to go out there for work. While I was gone I discovered a new unpleasant side effect of pregnancy....leg cramps. Yes, at 3am I woke up in excruciating pain in my calf and I did the exact wrong thing...I pointed my toe as a reflex. Well I had to get out of the bed and walk around to make it stop so there goes my sleep. Now that I'm up, might as well pee, right? I start taking in more potassium which oddly enough, added to the iron supplements, bring my digestive system to a screeching halt. This sucks. So, I'm doing everything I can to keep my iron, potassium, and fiber intake up just to see if there will be a balance in the yin and yang of my pregnant body. Today I am enjoying a nice glass of prune and apple juice...want some? Thankfully, it doesn't taste too bad.
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