And now we are four! Brian and I are the proud parents of two very adorable little boys, Wyatt and Ian.
Monday, April 6, 2009
A preggo looks at 23 weeks
So this is what a preggo Jen looks like at 23 weeks. I was getting ready for work and realized I had not yet taken the pics for my mom as I had promised her so I grabbed my iphone real quick and started snapping. The 2 in uniform, Brian was kinda enough to take, because I had promised those to my mom as well (weeks prior....I'm slow) and so I'm finally making good on the pics. Wyatt has been kicking a lot lately and it's cool to feel him moving around. We have a DR's appt on the 14th for my 24 weeks and I wonder if we begin doing kick counts. This whole experience has been kinda weird, but really cool at the same time. I still don't think it's hit me yet that I am indeed going to be bringing home my, that really felt weird just saying that. Ok, so yes, maybe I'm not totally at the point where my brain has wrapped around the concept of parenthood yet, but there is still time for me to figure it out.
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