And now we are four! Brian and I are the proud parents of two very adorable little boys, Wyatt and Ian.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
20 Weeks!!
Brian and I went in for the 20 week ultrasound today and it was awesome! Wyatt was good for about the first 10 minutes, he was sleeping or just resting, but then he became very alert and gave the technician a run for her money! He wiggled a lot and wouldn't cooperate with her, so we have that to look forward to! He is 14oz and just has a super cute profile. We were at the appointment for a good hour because he was so active. He moves more and more every day and from the look of my belly, is definitely growing. We are so excited for August to get here!
You can already tell he is a total cutie!
oh I LOVE these ultrasounds :)
Best thing to not being able to be there with yah!
(great talking to you ~ helps me from going insane while I try to not go crazy with this moving stuff)
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