Our son has arrived! It was a long time coming but our little angel has finally arrived and we couldn't be more thrilled. Brian and I have been very blessed throughout all this because not only is Wyatt here, but both our moms were here for his birth. Wyatt was born on Saturday, August 8th, at 9:05pm. I spent most of Friday in "early labor" until the contractions kicked in much stronger Friday evening. My water broke at about 2:30am Saturday morning and around 8pm Saturday night it was decided to have a C-section since Wyatt was not coming out on his own. It was a tough decision to make, and I was upset I wasn't going to be able to have him naturally, but all in all it was for the best and now I am so very thankful for our perfect little boy. Our dear friend Kristen arrived at this hospital sometime after 3am to join Brian in being a labor coach. I was so thankful to have them both there to help me through labor and they both were amazing! Throughout the stay at the hospital Wyatt was greeted by our friends and all his new "aunties" and "uncles". It was so wonderful to have so much support from our friends. Brian and I truly feel lucky to have so many good friends. Now we are just so grateful for every single moment with baby Wyatt and look forward to many many more!